Our Environment

Green Acres is located in an environmentally significant area, forming part of a major ecological corridor along the Yarra River.

The course is surrounded by stunning native flora and fauna including several grand old River Red Gums.

As custodians of this unique site, Green Acres takes great care to ensure that these natural assets continue to thrive.

Green Acres Golf Club is committed to environmental sustainability, regularly reviewing our comprehensive Environmental Policy.

The policy encompasses on-course and day-to-day operations, addressing vegetation, water, chemical usage, and recycling.

The Club pledges to minimise environmental impact, comply with regulations, implement sustainable practices, support threatened flora and fauna, conserve water quality, reduce energy and water usage, manage waste responsibly, limit chemical and fertiliser usage, engage with the community for environmental improvement, and continuously strive for best practices.

This commitment includes staff training, supplier collaboration, and rigorous evaluations, emphasising a holistic and proactive environmental approach.

Our more detailed Environmental Policy can be viewed by clicking this link.